Packaging | Paper Documents | Parchment Documents | Volumes | Maps and Plans | Photographic Materials |
Modern Media | Storage Conditions | Dos and Don'ts | Conservation Service
By storing your documents in folders and boxes, you are protecting them from hazards such as heat, light, dust and careless handling. It also enables you to keep the records in order and grouped together by subject or person, if necessary.
Before you spend time and money packaging your collection, go through the documents and remove all harmful items – acidic envelopes, coloured folders, PVC wallets, elastic bands, pink legal tape, steel fastenings and paper clips. These items can cause damage and need to be removed.
Large envelopes and coloured folders probably contain acid which is harmful to your records and should be replaced with acid free folders. Ideally, these folders will be tied using acid free cotton tape. The plasticizer in PVC wallets will break down over time and should be replaced with polyester wallets. Steel fastenings such as paper clips and pins should be replaced with brass paper clips, as they don’t rust. Everything you need to correctly package your collection is available to purchase from Cheshire Archives and Local Studies.