Latest News from Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

May/June 2024


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Calling all researchers! An extra two weeks of searchroom opening

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A small change in construction dates has allowed us to continue our searchroom service at the Record Office for a few weeks longer. We will now be open until Thursday 8th August and not 25th July as previously announced. We will also be open on Saturday 19th July. We don’t expect this change to have any significant impact on the opening of the new centres in Chester and Crewe in early 2026.

Visiting us

Chester Heritage Festival 2024

On Saturday 25th May we had almost 50 children visit us at the Roodee in Chester, where they had lots of fun creating their own coats of arms! The Roman Day event marked the official launch of Chester Heritage Festival and was just the start of a full programme of events taking place between 21st and 30th June, including our ‘Journeying to Cheshire’ talk on 27th June.

Chester Heritage Festival 2024 


 A collections story



Your eyes do not deceive you … we were just as amazed with this image of a team of zebras pulling a carriage. This photo came to light as a result of the work we’re doing to improve collections information as part of our Cheshire’s archives: a story shared project. You can read all about this remarkable collection’s discovery on our project site.

The Collections Story 





More than a Shop

More than a Shop has been a series of events that illuminate the stories from the Browns archive collection. An exhibition opening in June in the Coins gallery at the Grosvenor Museum showcases work by local creatives who have responded to the archive collection and people’s memories of Browns with soundscape and letterpress art.

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